Why Did Americans Want to Make California Part of the United States?

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Then let us show you the exact answer with an explanation.

Q. Why Did Americans Want to Make California Part of the United States?

Find the answer below:


Americans wanted to make California part of the United States mainly because they wanted to build ports on the coast for trading with China and Japan. This way entire US would be safely bordered by sea instead of by a foreign power.



California is known for its scenic beauty, thriving entertainment industry, and the home of top tech companies.

Considered one of the most prosperous states in the United States, California was once just a Mexican territory that was incorporated into the United States in the mid-19th century.

But why did the Americans want to make California part of the United States?

In this blog post, we bring out the reasons in detail why California became an important state for the United States.

Why Did Americans Want to Make California Part of the United States?
  1. Gold Rush

The discovery of gold in California in 1848 was a significant factor in the United States’ desire to make it a part of the country.

This led to the California Gold Rush of 1849, which attracted thousands of people from all over the world, especially from the United States.

This influx of people into California created a need for law and order, which could only be efficiently managed by the American government, leading to California’s annexation.


  1. Geographic Importance

California’s strategic location along the Pacific Ocean was another reason why the United States wanted it as part of the country.

This made it easier for the United States to communicate with China, Japan, and other Pacific nations.

In addition, the annexation of California into the country was significant in extending the prestige of the country as a world power.


  1. Manifest Destiny

The idea of Manifest Destiny, which stated that the United States was destined to expand across the North American continent from East to West, was a significant influence on the annexation of California.

The fulfillment of Manifest Destiny was believed to bring prosperity and moral values to the West, and California was seen as an essential component of that prosperity.


  1. Population Growth

The population of the United States was expanding rapidly in the mid-19th century, and the government was looking to find new territories to accommodate the growing population.

California, with its vast and fertile land area, was a perfect destination for people seeking new opportunities.


  1. Political Influence

The political influence of California in the United States cannot be overemphasized.

After its annexation, California became the 31st state of the United States, and its importance in national politics can be seen to date.

California provides a significant share of the country’s taxes and is home to the largest representation of any state in the House of Representatives.



In conclusion, the reasons why Americans wanted to make California part of the United States varied from economic, social, cultural, and political factors.

The annexation of California was significant in shaping the United States’ future, as it brought significant growth and expansion, which helped cement America’s position as a superpower.

As such, it is evident that the annexation of California into the United States was a pivotal moment in American history.

Reference links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_California

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