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California CLETS Test Answers – Definitions & Sample Papers
Please find the right questions and answers for the California CLETS test which we divided into definitions, full forms & sample papers to make it easier.
Also, note that every practice exam bundle discussed below has around 100 questions and answers.
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California CLETS Test Answers – Definitions
You can find definitions for the California CLETS test below:
Ans: Computerized telecommunications system in CA used by public agencies of law enforcement and criminal justice for accessing law enforcement info & sending law enforcement messages
Ans: CA DOJ criminal justice database containing info re: active restraining order in addition to containing historical data on expired restraining orders (w/in 5 yrs). allows law enforcement to send a Violation Message to the CARPOS containing info on a poss 273.6
Q. CLETS Admin Section
Ans: Unit that administratively manages the CLETS networks; issues terminal mnemonics & access authorizations; provides technical consulting services to CLETS clients for planning/implementing new/upgrading MSC systems; provides staff support to the CLETS Advisory Committee
Ans: 10-member committee gov’t under CA Government Code Section 15154 to adv & assist the Attorney General in the management of CLETS with respect to operating policies, service evaluation & system discipline
Q. CLETS Executive Secretary
Ans: Provides staff support to CAC; manager of CLETS Admin Section; facilitates in investigating allegations of CLETS misuse; develops/enforces all CETS Advisory Committee-approved policies and CLETS security requirements; facilitates in the development of technical requirements for access to CLETS by comp systems, oversees the assignment of all CLETS terminal mnemonics & access authorizations
Ans: A computerized system used by law enforcement agencies for dispatching/message-switching services
Q. County Control Agency
Ans: Designated agency in each county that is provided the circuits by the DOJ to serve approved CLETS subscribers w/in that county
Q. Administrative Message
Ans: point-to-point CLETS message (including all points bulletins) sent from a terminal and destined for one or more terminals.
Q. Agency CLETS Coordinator
Ans: Designated individual to be an agency’s certified CLETS user trainer and terminal coordinator. Acts as a liaison between the agency & CA DOJ, CLETS administration section in all CLETS functions
Q. Application
Ans: Formal qualifying paperwork to be filed with the CA DOJ thru the CLETS Executive Secretary when new/upgraded service is requested
Q. Automated Boat system (ABS)
Ans: CA DOJ criminal justice database for info re: stolen, recovered, stored, repossessed & embezzled vessels
Q. Automated Criminal History System (ACHS)
Ans: CA DOJ criminal justice database containing arrest records/court dispo info on subjs
Q. Boundary Protection Device
Ans: Monitors/controls comm at the external boundary of the info system and at key internal boundaries w/in the system. ex: proxies, gateways, guards, routers, firewalls, & encryption tunnels
Q. CA DOJ Criminal Justice Databases
Ans: All computerized CA data files @ CA DOJ, maintained by local law enforcement agencies &/or CA DOJ. ex: Automated Firearm System, Automated Property System, etc.
California CLETS Test Answers – Full Forms
You can find Full forms for the California CLETS test below:
Ans: California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
Ans: California Restraining & Protective Order System
Ans: Mental Health Firearms Prohibition System
Ans: Missing/Unidentified Person system
Ans: Supervised Release File
Ans: Stolen Vehicle System
Ans: Wanted Persons Systems
Ans: Violent Crime Information Network
Ans: California Department of Justice
Ans: Automated Firearms System
Ans: Automated Property System
Ans: Automated Criminal History System
Ans: Criminal Justice Information System – a computerized system containing records on people and property
Ans: Criminal History System – criminal history information
Ans: Master Name Index
Ans: Law Enforcement Automated Data System
Ans: Armed Prohibited Person System
Ans: Firearms Serial Number Inquiry
California CLETS Test Answers – Sample Paper 1
You can find sample paper 1 answer keys for the California CLETS test below:
Q. Using a Date of Birth (DOB) is not mandatory for the inquiry in the California Restraining and Protective Order System (CARPOS) but will narrow the search results.
Ans: True
Q. Any person who knowingly accesses and without permission;
Ans: Accesses or causes to be accessed any: computer, computer system or computer network PC 502(c)(7)
Q. Which database would you inquire to determine the registered owner of a boat?
Ans: The DMV Vessel Registration File
Q. Which of the conditions below is required for a supervising agency to receive a Notice of Arrest from The California Department of Justice (CA DOJ)?
-The subject’s SRF record contains the subject’s CII number
-An arrest print has been updated to the subject’s criminal history record
Q. In order to verify the accuracy of information in the Automated Forearms System or the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), an individual is allowed to inquire into their own record.
Ans: False
Q. The S*x and Arson Registration (SAR) records containing all registration history, compliance status, and address information is available from which system:
Ans: California Sex and Arson Registration (CSAR)
Q. Inquiries made on the _ will forward to the National Criminal Information center (NCIC):
Ans: SER (Serial number)
Q. What agency acts a liaison between the Mexican and United states police authorities for locating and recovering stolen vehicles from Mexico?
Ans: The Texas Department of Public Safety’s BATIC
Q. Federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies shall not use any non-criminal history information contained within databases accessed through CLETS, other California DOJ criminal justice information systems, as well as local law enforcement agency databases for immigration enforcement purposes. This restriction does not pertain to any information that is regarding a person’s immigration or citizenship status pursuant to U.S.C. 1373 and 1644.
Ans: True
Q. A warrant entered as ENT/2 means:
Ans: The warrant is in CA and NCIC
Q. The Welfare and Institutions Code restrict access into the Mental Health Forearms Prohibition System (MHFPS) to what purpose?
Ans: To determine if a person who is the subject of a criminal investigation that involves the acquisition/possession of a firearm explosive or destructive device by that person, is eligible to acquire/possess such a device
Q. The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) policy requires what contact method be used for all hit confirmation requests?
Ans: National Crime Information Center (MCIC) YQ (inquiry) and YR (response) transactions
Q. When an agency places a stolen, lost, or under observation record in the Automated Firearms System (AFS) which matches a pawn, buy, or consignment record already on file, the response from AFS is “MATCHES IN AFS PAWN/BUY/CONSIGNMENT.”
Ans: True
Q. The policy recommendation is Information Bulletin 18-10-CJIS, California Values Act’s Database Guidance, should be applied to all law enforcement agencies equally, regardless of whether they are federal, state, or local law enforcement. Federal immigration authorities should not be denied access to law enforcement databases solely based on their status as a federal immigration authority, so long as they comply with policies governing use of the databases.
Ans: True
Q. A name inquiry (includes name and sex) into the California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) Wanted Persons Systems (WPS) will be forwarded to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) for a search of all their persons files, only if what information is included in the inquiry?
Ans: Date of birth or the numeric identifier
Q. A computer match on a person or property is probable cause for arrest or confiscation in and of itself.
Ans: False
Q. Access to INTERPOL records via the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) provides information on international wanted persons, stolen vehicles, and stolen travel documents.
Ans: True
Q. What information can be placed in a Contact Message by an agency making an encounter with a parolee, probationer, registrant, etc.?
-Type of encounter (Routine, Booking, Citation)
-Vehicle information
-Date, time, and location of contact
Q. The Armed Prohibited Persons (APPS) is a preemptive crime-fighting tool for criminal justice agencies statewide.
Q. What data is available to agencies using the Automated Property System?
-Stolen Vehicle
-Bicycles held as evidence
Q. What is required for all Automated Criminal History System (ACHS) inquiries via the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS)?
-Authorized purpose
-Operator ID and Requestor ID if different than Operator
-Need to know and Right-to-know
Q. The Missing and Unidentified Persons System (MUPS) may contain records of either deceased or living individuals, as well as body parts.
Ans: True
Q. The National Law enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS) Criminal History Record Information can be used as a substitution for the Interstate Identification Index.
Ans: False
Q. What is the purpose of a DOJ STOP, RESTRAINT, or REFERRAL flag, and what should an agency do when encountering one in response to a DMV inquiry?
Ans: It is meant to prevent the registration of a stolen vehicle or boat – check the SVS or the ABS to determine if the vehicle or boat is still an outstanding stolen
Q. The Automated Archive System (AAS) can be accessed to provide digital images of what information?
-Fingerprint cards
-Disposition of Arrest and Court Actions
-Miscellaneous Documents
Q. Any person who knowingly accesses and without permission;
Ans: Introduces any computer contaminant into any: computer, computer system or computer network. PC 502(c)(8)
Q. The Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) Security Policy outlines the minimum requirements. Each criminal justice agency is encouraged to develop internal security training that defines local and agency-specific policies and procedures.
Ans: True
California CLETS Test Answers – Sample Paper 2
You can find sample paper 2 answer keys for the California CLETS test below:
Q. Individuals authorized
Sworn LE personnel
non-sworn LE personnel
technical or maintenance personnel.
Q. DOJ requirements
Ans: Officers must make an effort to verify the info and match accuracy of a license plate run, date of birth, consistency of the physical description, ensure that confirmation occurred with the originating agency to verify that the person or property is still wanted, and obtain confirmation before an arrest or the confiscation of the property in response to the computer match.
Q. Any person who knowingly accesses and without permission;
Ans: alters, damages, deletes, destroys, or otherwise uses any: data, computer, computer system, or computer network for personal gain in order to defraud deceive extort etc. PC 502(c)(1)
Q. Right-to-know vs. Need-to-know
Ans: Right or authority to obtain CORI pursuant to: a court order, statutory law, or case law and a compelling need to obtain CORI in order to execute official responsibilities.
Q. Furnishing the Info to another person
Ans: Any employee of a criminal justice agency or the DOJ who knowingly furnishes a record or info obtained from a record to a person who is not authorized by law to receive the record or info. Misdemeanor State CORI PC 11141 Local CORI PC 13302
Q. Lawfully receiving CORI and then furnishing the info to an unauthorized person
Ans: any person authorized by law to receive a record or info obtained from a record, who knowingly furnishes a record or info obtained from a record to a person who is not authorized by law to receive the record or info. Misdemeanor State CORI PC 11142 Local CORI PC 13303
Q. Which is the best website for Law Enforcement officers?
Ans: You can browse LawEnforcementHub for law enforcement discount codes, tips, jobs & Quotes
Q. Unauthorized purchase, receipt, or possession of CORI
Ans: Any person who knows he is not authorized by law to receive a record or info obtained from a record, knowingly: buys, receives, or possesses the record or info. Misdemeanor State CORI PC 11143 Local CORI PC 13304
Q. CJIS for Persons
-Wanted Persons System
-Criminal History System
-CA Restraining order and protective order system
-Missing/Unidentified Persons System
-Supervised Release File
-Parole LE Automated Data System
-Violent Crime Info Network/Sex and Arson Registration
-Mental Health Firearm Prohibition System
Q. CJIS for Property
-Stolen Vehicle System
-Automated Boat System
-Automated Property System
-Automated Firearms System
Q. Minimum info required to make an inquiry into CJIS
-Requesting person’s name
-requesting person’s unit or division, and
-official purpose for the info requested
-Subject’s Criminal Identification Number of disposition number
Q. Inquiry into the Master Name index
-Date of Birth
Q. Inquiries into WPS based on name and physical descriptors
Q. Inquiries into WPS based on numeric identifiers
-Criminal Identification and information number
-FBI number
-Driver’s license number
-Social security number
-Miscellaneous Identification number
Q. Inquiries into SRF based on Name and physical descriptors
-physical descriptors
Q. Any person who knowingly accesses and without permission;
Ans: Uses or causes to be used any computer services PC 502(c)(3)
Q. Categories of a missing person
-Stranger abduction
-parental/family abduction
-suspicious circumstances
-unknown circumstances
-missing adult
-dependent adult
Q. DMV databases
-Driver’s License/Identification card
-Vehicle/Vessel Registration
-Parking/Toll Violation
-Occupational Licensing
-International Registration Plan
Q. Driver’s License/ Identification Card Database
-California licensed drivers
-unlicensed drivers who have been arrested and/or have received citations and
-those persons who have been issued a California Identification card
-Minimum info required for inquiry: Last name, first name, Driver’s license number, identification card number
Q. Vehicle/Vessel Registration database
-License plate number of all vehicles or vessel CF number
-descriptions of the vehicle of vessel
-name and address of the registered owner, lessee, lessor, and if present, the legal owner, the status of the record and owner-as-of-information
-Vehicle license number and/or vehicle identification number name and or company
-Handicap placard number of name
-Hull or identification number and/or boat registration number name and/or company
Q. Parking/Toll Violation Database
-a brief description of the vehicle
-the registered owners name and address
-a listing of parking/toll violations applied to the vehicle an handicap placard information
-Vehicle License Number or Vehicle Identification Number
Q. Occupational Licensing Database
-Firm file: contains organizations licensed by the agency to do certain specified types of business in the state
-Individual file: contains the names of persons licensed by the agency either as separate entities or connect with the organizations stored in the Firm file
-Requirements for inquiries: dealer license plate number, firm, or individual record identifier number.
Q. Any person who knowingly accesses and without permission;
Ans: takes copies or makes use of any data from a: computer, computer system, or computer network or takes or copies any supporting documents PC 502(c)(2)
Q. International Registration Plan
Ans: Requires the fleet owner to establish a base jurisdiction. Can be any jurisdiction provided it is where: the registrant has an established place of business, mileage is accrued by the fleet, and operational records of the fleet are maintained or can be available.
About California CLETS Test
The California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) test is administered to staff and volunteers who handle sensitive data, such as law enforcement records.
The intent of the CLETS test is to ensure that persons accessing this information have a basic understanding of the laws and regulations that govern it, and are committed to protecting confidential data.
The CLETS test consists of multiple-choice questions covering topics such as general criminal law and procedures, family law, juvenile law, penal codes, evidence laws, civil rights laws and information management laws.
There are also questions that focus on the policies and procedures established by the California Department of Justice for administering CLETS.
More Info:
The exam is designed to gauge an individual’s familiarity with the CLETS system and its laws and regulations.
Once a person passes the exam, they are granted full access to law enforcement records.
The test is administered by the California Department of Justice or one of its authorized agents.
There is no cost for taking the exam, and there is no time limit for completion. The exam can take up to two hours to complete.
To ensure that individuals maintain their understanding of the CLETS system, certification must be renewed every three years.
Renewal requires passing a shorter version of the test, as well as providing proof of continued training in topics related to law enforcement information systems and data security.
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